So what do they feel? The Spirit God has put in each of us. When these beautiful people great each other they prefer to touch the person they meet by a handshake or a hug in order to feel the Spirit inside the other person... sounds weird to us at first... but I believe it can be beautiful. So... I feel like today a wonderful aboriginal couple explained to me exactly what I felt when I touched my children for the first time... I felt the Spirit in them confirming to the Spirit in me that they were my children. NO DOUBT, NO going back... and NO DIVISION by physical differences. Did you feel that quickening in your Spirit with YOUR kids? Did you feel it the first time you hugged you husband before you even knew he was your husband? I believe God does allow us to experience each other in the Spirit, but we are often too busy and desensitized to feel it. Next time you hug someone... keep you Spirit alert!
Oh yeah... one more thing...Aboriginal people also believe we are ALL one family... BLOOD family, EVEN if we vary in color. They would welcome you or me, just as well as they would welcome someone we would classify as one of them. They do not see color... they see family. NO MATTER WHAT...they seriously believe (as do I) that we are all one family, with NOTHING dividing us. AMEN!!!!!!???????
yes, i'm with you, hope! color is absolutely nothing. thanks for sharing! cute picture, by the way!
Great stuff Hope. Thanks for sharing. I love that cute little smile on David. I'm still so pumped that you guys are his forever family!!!
Thanks guys!!!! We're pumped too!!! Glad you had a good vacation you-you! You deserved it!
Amen sister!!! That picture is great!
You know, it is so true! If you think about it, everyone came from Adam and Eve so we are all family!! Everybody now, "we are family....."
Michelle, Phoebe will help you sing it...she loves that song...although it's not all "sisters" now :o)
I heard a scientist say that on a molecular level in our blood they can prove we are all connected like family. Cool huh?
Thanks Hope for sharing with us!
just got home from an evening service where we sang a song called "We Will Dance" Part of the song says "We will Dance on the streets that are golden. The Glorious Bride and the Great Son of Man. And every tongue, and tribe and nation will join in the song of the Lamb."
I love the fact that God's family and His love and truth know no social or racial or any other boundary.
you-you's brother
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