Saturday, July 19, 2008

Just a Few Words..

Well... Sermon on the Mount went GREAT... about 15 people asked for salvation and a lot of family and friends came. We were SO blessed to sit at the feet of such great people and just listen and learn this week. Blaze preached an amazing sermon... yes BLAZE! How exciting is that!! If you want to see pictures and hear more about this event I'll be updating Blazespage in a couple of days. Thank you for your prayers for this event!

I am 10 days away from being OUT of my first trimester!!!!! Still not showing, but I can feel a difference inside me. WHERE has time gone!!! I am eagerly looking forward to the return of my appetite!

And lastly.... =( we got our fingerprint appointment in the mail yesterday. It was an unexpected even that just made my heart sink... BUT overall I am rejoicing and still praying for unity and prosperity for our children's family. God's plan is always better than my own!


Kristina said...

So glad you are doing so well!

I can only imagine how shocking the appointment must have been.

Know we are praying for them too!

Kathy Eden said...

Ditto to what Kristina said. {{{ Hugs }}}

angela said...

oh wow, hope! well, i love you and all your kids. i will pray!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you guys!!! Love you!