Tuesday, July 8, 2008


We heard the heart beat of our baby last week!! The awesome thing is it was 5 weeks earlier than our Dr. had ever remembered hearing a baby's heartbeat before! At first we couldn't hear anything... then our wonderful Dr. said a PRAYER (how COOL is that!!??) and immediately after we could hear a very faint heart beat and it got louder and louder!!!!!!

WOOOO HOOOOO there is REALLY a living human being INSIDE ME!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hope and Rob-
Oh my word....isn't that pitter-patter just awesome? It makes everything seem so breathtakingly real. One of the sweetest sounds you will ever hear....enjoy this special time, guys!!
Kristin Haynes

Sarah and Tim said...

How cool is it that your dr said a prayer! Right there? How much cooler that God is growing a human right inside of you!

Salzwedel Family said...

It's a beautiful sound! I know how thrilling it is to hear it for the first time. I'll be excited to hear news of the first kick.

Kathy Eden said...

That is so awesome Hope! Praise God!

angela said...

oh hope!! that is wonderful!

CG said...

What a glorious sound, and praise God for praying doctors!