As we drove to church this morning, I caught myself thinking about how morning is my favorite time of the day. What I really like about it is the way the shadows and the bright rising sun mix. I look at how the beams of sunlight hit the bright fall trees in contrast to the shadows... and I have to say... the shadows make the sunny spots stick out even more. If it weren't for those LONG morning shadows, I don't think I would appreciate the beauty of the morning like I do.
So it is with life. If we didn't have to go through shadows in life... we wouldn't appreciate what we really have as much, would we. SO during this shadowy time, I rejoice because as I sit in the shadow, I see all the beauty of the good things that I DO HAVE in my life! And although I could think of this shadow as gloom... I don't. I will continue to think of myself as being under the shadow of God's wings! And I continue to believe.
As I prayed for the kids this morning in church, I closed my eyes and the Holy Spirit helped me to envision a mighty King riding His horse through the streets of Haiti. He was searching out the birth father of our children. He found him napping in his house and knelt at his bedside to minister to him. And I thought... only OUR King would humble himself to come to the bedside of one of his children to minister. Of course in my ignorance, I was standing right by the shoulder of the Lord cheering Him on as He made their father's heart right. The King however, lovingly told me to step back and allow Him to minister to His son. He was not rejecting me, but reminding me of my place. He does NOT love Caleb, Isabel and Daniel's Dad any less than he loves me. He is not going to just hand a miracle to us and rip something away from him. He is giving their father a chance to listen and correct his heart. A time to grow and be challenged. He reminded me that HE COULD just miraculously solve all this quickly, but in that, growth would not happen and He would not see their father's faith strengthened but possibly weakened and frustrated. A good parent does not give food to one of His children and forget about the others. He feeds them all and gives them all His equal attention, love, time and support. He gives us all time and works tenderly with us. I have been humbled... as I sit in awe of my God! Praise Him!!