Friday, August 24, 2007


Check out Anne's Blog, Lizzie's Blog (you will have to check her older posts) and Katie's Blog.... you can click on their links down on the right side of this page. If you do this... you will see pics of our kids... these three young ladies have all been a huge blessing to our kids!!


Elisabeth said...


Angela said...

You have amazing, beautiful children. Definitely worth braggin' about. I loved all the posts.

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

Talking about Braggin! Just saw pic's of the roof from Lynda/Dennis. That is one good looking roof!!! Although my contribution primarily exist of worrying while being gone whether those plates going to hold at all or not. And as usual most likely by far is not accomplished as wished or intended and another AWESOME JOB! Kuddo's to Rob and Dennis!