Saturday, January 10, 2009

Things Are Changing!

Tommy found a forever home.... we think...

AND Hannah dropped!! I Think.... but I've never quite experienced this before...
Two days ago I just woke up feeling really weird, but couldn't put my finger on it. Then I felt my belly and realized... I could feel my ENTIRE rib cage and even had a little empty spot under my sternum. Also kinda achy in the pelvic bones... I assume this means she's dropped!? We will know for sure on Monday, my next appointment! Thanks for praying!!!


Kathy Eden said...

Although I have never experienced it personally...that sounds like what happened. Yeah!!! Still praying...and glad doggy found a home!

Sarah and Tim said...

how exciting!!!! I think that is totally what has happened! I have had 2 children, and that is always a good feeling... able to breath again!

CG said...

Hooray on both counts!

angela said...

so, how was the dr appointment? it sounds like she dropped to me! praise the Lord!