Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Results So Far

Thanks SO SO SO much!!! God has heard your prayers. We had a complete level 2 ultrasound this morning and everything looks great. There is still too much fluid... but no known reason for it. One possibility is that she cannot swallow correctly but they won't be able to tell that until she's born, at which time they'll put a feeding tube into her belly through her esophagus to make sure there's nothing blocking her ability to swallow. If she was not able to swallow, it could explain an extra amount of fluid.
Hannah looks perfect. Her lungs, kidneys, heart, brain, physical structure, intestines, spine etc... all look good. Her head is still a little bigger than her body, but the Dr. thought it might be a hereditary thing since there is no swelling on the brain and not too extreme of a difference. It looks like the amniotic fluid has gone down even though it's still high. The main concern since there is extra fluid is that the baby can move so much she may be at risk of a cord around the neck, also there is a risk that the cord could try to be born before her, causing a blood flow cut off to her. SO chances are if I'm not dialated this monday, they might take me off the contraction meds and allow me to go into labor if I go. If I'm dialated this Monday they might choose induce labor soon so she can be born in a controlled atmosphere and the cord would not fall in the way. I'm still on bed rest for high blood pressure. But enjoying the fire and the Christmas Tree. Rob has been an awesome Husband taking care of things around here. Thanks so much for your prayers!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!
Love Hope


Kathy Eden said...

Praise God for the good results!!! Still praying!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Hannah will be in your arms very soon either way.. What a great Christmas present! We'll be praying for a safe delivery.